
MSclassifier classifies instances using median-supplement machine learning methods. It derives median-supplement data from a set of instances and then infer a Naive Bayes/Random Forest classifier. The resulting model predicts classes of new instances of samples. These methods are applied to binary classification problems. The median-supplement approaches to machine learning were first used to decipher hormone and HER2 receptor status phenotypes in breast cancer. It is applicable to the prediction of subcellular localization of proteins and other supervised learning problems.

The package can be installed via the R Console or the command line of a terminal.
1 Click here to download the MSclassifier package.

2. Extract the compressed downloaded file. In a linux terminal, this can be done with the line:

unzip *.zip

3. Set your working directory to the path that contains the uncompressed folder.
4. To install via the R console, start R and run the following commands:

library(devtools)   # Ensure devtools is installed in the R package

Alternative to step 4, the package can be installed via the command line of linux using:

R CMD INSTALL './MSclassifier'



Version: 1.0.0
Description: MSclassifier implements median-supplement machine learning techniques for classification problems involving two classes or labels. MSclassifier classifies instances of receptor status phenotypes in breast cancer using median-supplement methods. It is also applicable to supervised learning problems involving two labels or classes.
Depends: R (>= 3.3.3)
Imports: e1071, randomForest (>= 4.6-12)
License: GPL-3
SystemRequirement: OS Independent

Packaged Archives

Manual/Documentation: Supplementary Information
Package: MSclassifier

1. Adabor, E.S., Acquaah-Mensah, G., Mazandu, GK. (2020). MSclassifier: median-supplement model-based classification tool for automated knowledge discovery. F1000Research 9 (1114),1114

2. Adabor, E.S., Acquaah-Mensah, G. (2017). Machine learning approaches to decipher hormone and HER2 receptor status phenotypes in breast cancer. Briefings in Bioinformatics (2019),20(2):504-514.

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